Raffi Grinberg is a business leader, author, and educator. He co-founded The Constructive Dialogue Institute (with Jonathan Haidt) and runs Peter Thiel and Auren Hoffman’s invite-only society, Dialog, curating conversations for global leaders and thinkers including Fortune 500 CEOs, U.S. elected officials, members of parliament and ambassadors from dozens of countries, bestselling authors, major investors, artists, actors, etc.– both multimillion-dollar organizations. He graduated with honors from Princeton University and previously worked in management at Bain & Company. He is the author of a mathematics textbook published by Princeton University Press. He also created and taught the popular “Adulting 101” course at Boston College. Raffi resides in Washington DC with his wife and 5 children.

Today on the show we discuss: techniques for having hard conversations, how calm yourself down when triggered during a hard conversation, how to get better at facing rejection, why you should spend time with people that think differently than you, how to master uncertainty, how to minimize emotional pain and much more.


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